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Dancer, teacher, choreographer and director with more than 15 years of experience, she trained as a dancer in Santiago de Chile. At the age of 20, she formed the Dama Brava Dance Company, an iconic street dance collective, the group was one of the forerunners in opening the discussion, from art, of women's rights. In her facet as a creator, she is a choreographer for great Chilean and foreign musicians, she has dedicated herself to researching and experimenting in our Latin American culture, studying in different countries. She is a creator who links dance with other disciplines, and rescues from each learning tools that can help build a bridge between choreography and the reflection of the human being. As a performer, teacher and choreographer, she connects dance with our society, finding in the daily experiences of people the inspiration for the study of her artistic proposals, uniting movement with other disciplines, with music, cinema and theater, in a constant and friendly struggle to create value and respect for the dancer's craft. In the last 5 years she has stood out as a Video Clips choreographer and began directing her own dance videos. He has created training programs in Video Dance, teaching classes in Chile, Spain and Hungary. His work seeks, from a sensitive perspective, to install reflections and bring dance closer to all types of audiences. He investigates movement day by day, always with the aim of sharing his knowledge, expanding and being an exponent of dance in a conscious and collaborative way.



UAHC Santiago de CHILE Degree in Dance with mention in Pedagogy.

Area Dance and Creation. Barcelona, SPAIN Postgraduate in Choreographic Creation

Area Dance and Creation. Barcelona, SPAIN Professional Training Technique Presence

Stott Pilates Certification. Pilates Floor and Reformer Instructor

Teacher Isabel Bustos, Havana, CUBA, STUDIES OF Modern Dance

Universidad Mayor de CHILE Diploma in Education

Julio Bocca Foundation, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA Professional Dance Training for Musical Theater

Stopper Studio, Miami, USA Professional Jazz Dance and Commercial Dance Training



Choreographic Creation Teacher for the camera DANCE EMOTION Barcelona SPAIN

Commercial Dance Teacher RE BAILA Barcelona SPAIN

Professor of Contemporary and Improvisation ACADEMIA HUGO URRUTIA Santiago de CHILE

Assistant Professor Choreographic Workshop AREA DANSA Y CREACIÓ Barcelona, Spain

Jazz and Contemporary Teacher MDA STUDIOS Santiago de CHILE

Video Dance Creation Teacher Summer Programs SANAU DANSA Barcelona, SPAIN

Teacher of the Interpretation Course IV year of the Dance Career. UNIVERSITY ACADEMY OF HUMANISM Santiago de CHILE

Assistant professor of BALLET IV year of the Dance Career. UNIVERSITY ACADEMY OF HUMANISM Santiago de CHILE

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